Icon Design

Loop 3D Software

Loop 3D Software

Loop 3D Software


At Variant 3D, a startup at the forefront of technological innovation, I had the privilege of serving as a UX/UI designer and leading the design process for a groundbreaking 3D modeling software. With a background in industrial design, I brought a unique set of skills and expertise to the design process of a groundbreaking 3D modeling software. With my experience in 3D modeling, knowledge of multiple software tools utilized in the industry, and a deep understanding of manufacturing processes, I was able to approach this project from a holistic perspective.


The current process of achieving 3D knitting involves a series of intricate steps that are often time-consuming and labor-intensive. Designers typically start with a 3D model of the desired product, which needs to be translated into a flat pattern that the 3D knitting machine can comprehend. This conversion process requires manual intervention, with designers manually dissecting the 3D model, identifying stitch types, stitch densities, and other knitting parameters. These parameters are then translated into a digital knitting language that the machine understands.


The target audience for Variant3D software is professional product designers and design teams across industries, ranging from automotive and industrial design to architecture and consumer products.

Jobs To Be Done

  • Create and modify 3D knit designs efficiently.

  • Visualize and validate designs realistically.

  • Customize and parameterize designs to meet specific requirements.

  • Collaborate and communicate effectively with team members and stakeholders.

  • Improve workflow efficiency and productivity.

  • Learn and develop skills in 3D knit design.

Desired Impact

  • Enhanced User Experience: Intuitive interface improves usability and satisfaction.

  • Improved Efficiency: Streamlined workflows and customizable tools enhance productivity.

  • Realistic Visualizations: Advanced rendering aids accurate design evaluation.

  • Effective Collaboration: Real-time collaboration and version control boost teamwork and productivity.

Icon Design

I designed a set of icons specifically tailored for Variant3D software's 3D-specific tools. These icons were created to visually represent the various features and actions within the software, ensuring quick and intuitive access for users. Through careful consideration of visual metaphors, clarity, consistency, scalability, and iterative design processes, the icons effectively communicate complex concepts in a simplified and visually appealing manner, enhancing the overall user experience of Variant3D software.

  • Render Modes





  • Perspective/Orthographic



  • Grid On/OFF



  • Object Types







  • Snap Tool


To Point

To Grid

To Edge

  • Measuring Tool

Surface Measure

Distance Measure

  • Paint Tool



  • Inspect


UI Explorations

  • Tool Placement: In 3D modeling software, frequently used tools are often placed within easy reach, minimizing unnecessary navigation and allowing users to focus on their creative tasks. The aim is to create an interface that empowers 3D designers by providing efficient access to the necessary tools and facilitating a smooth and intuitive modeling experience. During the design process, I experimented with different layouts, grouping related tools together, and tested the placement of the main and secondary tools to ensure they are easily reachable without appearing intrusive or disrupting the overall user experience.

  • Side Panels Placement: We have two main panels in the software, the Objects Panel and the Properties Panel. The Objects Panel provides a hierarchical overview of the 3D model's components, allowing users to easily navigate and manage the structure of their design. The Properties Panel displays detailed information and settings related to the selected objects, enabling users to modify and customize their properties with ease. We evaluated factors like visibility, ease of navigation, and the natural flow of the design process to ensure that users can easily manage the structure of their 3D models and modify object properties without disruption.

Last UI Iteration